17 Weeks Pregnant with Covid

17 Weeks Pregnant with Covid

This is a post that I can’t quite believe I am writing! Thinking back to last year when Covid was a new word, never did I Imagine I would have covid – let alone while I was pregnant! When I first found out I was pregnant it was something I really worried about: What happens if I catch Covid while pregnant? Are there any implications for baby if I catch Covid? Can the baby catch Covid from me?

There isn’t much information out there on the topic. With midwife appointments limited at the moment, it can be a scary time if you do find out you have tested positive while pregnant. I had a few other pregnant mums reach out to me to find out about it, so I thought it may be good to share my experience of having Covid while pregnant.

Just before Christmas 2020 my husband tested positive for Covid. He didn’t have any symptoms and only tested because his work asked him to. He had been in contact with a confirmed covid case. We were so surprised to discover that he did in fact test positive for Corona Virus. The following day both me and our 2 year old son went to a test centre. However at the time we both tested negative! We thought this was so strange as we had been living with my husband, and assumed we would also have it. As I was pregnant, and we have our 2 year old son, we followed all of the government guidance on living with someone who has Covid. Me and my husband slept in separate rooms, we avoided any contact and when we were in the same room he wore a mask.

Husband with Covid

Testing Positive for Covid while Pregnant

Unfortunately just after Christmas I started to feel unwell. At the time I didn’t think it was Corona Virus as it wasn’t the usual Covid symptoms. My symptoms were a blocked/runny nose and headaches.

So on the 28th December I went back to the Covid test centre just to make sure and had a test done. That night my symptoms started to get worse, and by the time I had gone to bed I had lost my sense of taste and smell! The following day I got a text confirming that, at 17 weeks pregnant, I had tested positive for Covid-19. I was so worried about what having covid while pregnant may cause.

So as soon as I found out I had Covid I called my local midwives office and the early pregnancy unit at my hospital. They both reassured me that having Covid in pregnancy should not cause any implications or harm the baby. It is entirely likely that the unborn baby would contract the virus from me. However, she was perfectly safe and protected inside and it wouldn’t have any long term implications. The midwives just advised me to take care of myself, stay hydrated and rest.

The blocked nose and headaches passed within a week. The only symptoms which seemed to last longer were tiredness and the loss of taste and smell. It took about a month for these to return – and I still don’t think these are back fully!

Pregnant with Covid

Covid Symptoms while Pregnant

Personally having Covid while pregnant didn’t affect me too much. I am really lucky that I don’t have any underlying health conditions and I seemed to cope with it really well. My only Covid symptoms while pregnant and in my 2nd trimester were:

  • Tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Blocked nose
  • Loss of taste and smell

Obviously this can be different for everyone. so always contact your midwife or GP for advice.

I hope you have found this post useful!

Thank you for reading

Chantelle Sig



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1 Comment

  1. February 5, 2021 / 8:47 pm

    Oh gosh, what a worry for you.
    I hadn’t even thought about what happens if you get Covid and you are pregnant. How interesting to read.
    I am glad you are feeling better now x

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