We are currently researching travel essentials to take with us when we go on holiday to The Dominican Republic in December. Zac will be 20 months old.
I have decided to compile a list of the items which I am planning on taking with us. I have also included some items which I found useful when we last took Zac away abroad when he was 3 months old.
10. Travel Cot Snooze Shade
We were recently gifted the travel cot snooze shade for review when we went away to Cornwall. It is really well made and such a brilliant idea – it would have been perfect for when we went to Greece when Zac was 3 months old!
It is a UV shade which shades baby from the sun while they sleep. Great for if they want to nap outside when on holiday or if they are struggling to sleep through with early morning sun rises!
However, I think Zac is a little too old to use this now as he is able to stand up in the cot. But definitely a must have travel item for anyone going away with children under 1!
9. Smartrike

I would recommend taking this away on any UK breaks!
8. Travel booster seat

7. UV Swim Suit
Protecting little ones skin from the sun is so important when on holiday! In addition to a good sun cream I think it is important that they wear a UV swim suit.
6. Light Weight Stroller

This stroller from Mybabiie was perfect for us and we will be taking it Dominican Republic. It is light and folds in one.
5. Portable Fan
This portable fan was a life saver when we took Zac to Greece. This higher temperatures can be uncomfortable for babies and toddlers especially when they are trying to sleep and relax.
We were able to clip the fan onto his stroller or sun lounger.
It was rechargeable as well which was brilliant! we used it so much we would have had to take spare batteries if we took a different fan. With this one we were able to charge it each night ready for the next day.
4. Trunki
I have seen so many people talk about The Trunki and they look brilliant for entertaining children while at the airport! I can imagine getting a toddler to walk through an airport can be difficult.
It is also great for keeping all of their toys together so when they are having a tantrum you don’t have to hunt around in your hand luggage!
We will definitely look at getting one of these for when we go to The Dominican Republic.
3. Travel Activities
One of the most important things to remember when you are going away, whether by car, boat or plane, is activities and toys to occupy little ones!
When we go to Dominican Republic in December we will have at least:
- 1 hour car journey
- 3 hours at the airport
- 9 hour flight
- 1 hour transfer
That is 14 hours of travelling we will need to occupy Zac for!
So I am making sure I go prepared! I found this great site online, Keep’em Quiet, and they supply travel activity packs! The one pictured is for a long trip with a boy aged 1-3 years!
We will also be taking a tablet pre-loaded with films and TV shows. Usually Zac doesn’t use a tablet or watch a lot of TV but I am prepared to do anything to occupy him while travelling!
2. Gro Blind

The Gro Blind is a travel black our curtain which easily attaches to any window or patio doors using the suction tabs on them.
We will be taking this to Dominican Republic with us and will use on the balcony doors.
1. Pram Snooze Shade

It is made from a breathable mesh and is designed so that the temperature inside the buggy doesn’t rise! It also protects from wind, chill and insects (perfect if there are lots of Mozzies about!).
The Snoozeshade also helped Zac to be able to sleep in his stroller whilst we were out in the evening when we went away. It sheltered him from the lights and distractions around him and allowed him to “snooze”!
This is just our top 10 products we think are essential if travelling or going away with a baby or toddler!
If you have any of suggestions or recommendations then please let me know as I want to be prepared for our family holiday this year!
Thank you for reading!
*Whilst some items in this post have been gifted previously I am under no obligation to post about them and all opinions are completely honest and my own!
Very helpful tips
These are all great essentials, I’m definitely putting the smart trike on my list! Thanks for sharing!
Completely agree with all your picks! Just wish we could fit two smartrike in the car along with the double buggy 😩
I agree with these! Especially the light weight stroller