Toddler Potty Training Tips

Toddler Potty Training Tips

Shortly after Zac turned 2 we decided to try potty training. He was showing some signs of being ready.

Signs they are ready for potty training:

  • Telling us when he has been a wee or poo
  • Wanting his nappy changed straight away after a poo
  • Understanding, and taking an interest in us going to the toilet
  • Having longer “dry” periods

However it certainly was not smooth sailing. Our first attempt was pretty traumatic. Zac was scared of the potty and wouldn’t sit on it at all. He would hold his wee ALL DAY, to the point he was in pain and crying.

So I turned to the internet, friends, family and Instagram for some potty training tips and advice. Below are some of the best tips and tricks I found worked for us!

Toddler Potty

Potty Training Tips

1. Introduce the potty early

We decided to introduce the potty before we actually planned to start potty training. We just left it in sight in the living room and spoke to Zac about it. So he knew what it was and what it was for, but there was no pressure to use it. This way it isn’t completely new and alien to him when the time comes.

2. Wait until they are ready

This is probably the best bit of advice we received. Despite Zac showing some signs of being ready for potty training, once we started it became clear that he wasn’t. Yes they need guidance with potty training, but it shouldn’t be really stressful. If it is, then they probably aren’t ready. We decided to take a break from potty training and start again a month later. Our next attempt was a completely different experience and he took to it much easier!

3. Start gradually

When we started potty training again, I was concerned about how much Zac was holding his wee. So I decided to just try to gradually increase his nappy free time. I started by taking his nappy straight off in the morning and leaving it off until his nap (usually around 1pm). I would then put a nappy on him to go to sleep and he would have a nappy on for the rest of the day. Gradually I increased this nappy free time. Once we were completely nappy free while he was awake, we started venturing out of the house nappy free. Then we tried nappy free nap times, and then lastly nappy free at night!

4. Try a different potty

When we first started potty training I just bought a cheap £3.99 plastic potty from an Aldi baby event. A potty is a potty right? Wrong. Toddlers can be pretty fussy (who knew?). After an unsuccessful first attempt, one potty training tip we received was to try a different potty. So after a quick online search, I found an all singing and dancing Thomas the Tank Engine potty (It quite literally sings). Zac was really excited when it arrived and sat on it straight away without prompting, something he hadn’t done before.

Thomas the Tank Engine Potty

5. Try a toilet or urinal

Another potty training tip we received was to try the toilet instead of the potty. This one was a little bit difficult for us as we have a bit of an odd shaped toilet so most seats don’t fit. We purchased a toddler toilet seat which comes with steps, but it just didn’t fit properly. I think if it had of fit it would have been a good option, so definitely worth trying! Another suggestion we had (only relevant for boys) was to try a kids urinal, you can get cute toddler urinals on Amazon!

6. Blow bubbles

So this is a bit of an odd one, but it really does work! If you think they need wee just get them to sit on the potty with a bottle of bubbles and ask them to blow! There is something about it that makes them relax? Forget? I’m not sure, but every time we did it, it made Zac wee!

7. Positive books and videos

Potty Training Books

I think it is important to make sure that they look at the potty in a positive way. Zac started off being really scared, so one of the things we done to try and help was stock up on books about potty training. Here are a few books he loved:

  • Sit your botty on the potty
  • Pirate Pete’s Potty
  • Potty Superhero

There is also a Pirate Pete Youtube video, which is great to put on for them while they are sitting on the potty. We also bought Potty themed colouring books and sticker books.

8. Reward Chart

Kids love physical rewards. Something visual where you can reinforce, that they got this because they used the potty. Reward charts are a great and inexpensive of doing this – rewarding in presents and treats can be dangerous. You could end up out of pocket and with a sugar filled toddler! We used a sticker reward chart and this worked really well – what toddler doesn’t love stickers?!

9. Give them privacy

One thing we discovered quite early on was that Zac would mostly use the potty when we weren’t in the room, or weren’t looking. It makes sense really – would you want someone to watch you on the toilet? So try putting the putty in a corner, next to a sofa or in a hall way (Just make sure you clearly show them where it is and keep reminding them)

10. Buy Flushable Wipes

Potty Training Wet Wipes

It isn’t till your child does their first number 2 on the potty that you realise how vital wet wipes are. The problem is normal wet wipes cant be flushed so you can end up in a bit of a mess. One of the best things we bought were flushable wet wipes. You can buy ones specifically designed for potty training. It made it so much easier to clean Zac and the potty!

So those are my top ten tips for potty training! Every child is different, so take it at their pace, you will know if they are ready!

Good Luck!

Chantelle Sig


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1 Comment

  1. September 26, 2020 / 8:04 am

    Thanks for the tips. We will be getting stick into potty training soon! X

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