What to get mum for Christmas. It is always a hard one, especially if you have a mum like mine (or like me really haha), where they buy themselves everything they need. So it doesn’t leave much to buy as…
Elsie’s birth was the complete polar opposite to Zac’s birth. They really couldn’t get more different! I had a natural water birth with Zac (hurt like hell but is what people would describe as a ‘positive birth’). And well Elsie’s…
As my due date for baby number 2 approaches, I have been thinking a lot about feeding. I have made the decision to combi feed (Breast and bottle). My feeding journey with Zac largely influenced this decision. When he was…
Shortly after Zac turned 2 we decided to try potty training. He was showing some signs of being ready. Signs they are ready for potty training: Telling us when he has been a wee or poo Wanting his nappy changed…
Zac loves pretend play and using his imagination. He has recently started to take an interest in small figures. So I thought a dolls house would be perfect for him to play with. However, when I first started looking for…
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax all you need is a book!” – Dr. Seuss Like most parents, I have always wanted Zac to grow up with a love for books. I believe that reading…
I can not believe my baby boy is two! It feels like just yesterday he was born – but at the same time like he has always been here! I love looking back at old photos. It makes me realise…
*Some of the products in this guide were gifted for review. This year at Christmas Zac will be 21 months old. This will be his 2nd Christmas but I think it will be even more exciting than his first! He…
As soon as you have a baby everyone wants to know when the next one is. Everyone has opinions about how long you should wait and when it should be. Now Zac is 18 months old we have been getting…
I can’t quite believe my baby is 18 months old, a year and a half he has been in our lives! He is now officially closer to two than he is one and that makes me so sad!! I feel…
Ever since Zac was about 5 weeks old he has been coming to the hairdressers with me. An alarming amount of grey hair means that I need to get my roots done every 6 weeks. It isn’t practical for me…